ai, ait tools, content creation, keyword research

10 ways to use AI in content creation

AI is on the rise and every day we learn more and more about the ways in which AI will change the world. As affiliate marketers, no doubt you will be wondering what effect, if any, AI can have on your campaign. Employing AI content creation can’t, or perhaps shouldn’t, take over your entire campaign, but it can make a lot of things easier. Take a look at the ways modern AI tools can aid your content creation…

Generate topics

The content that you create needs to be both relevant and useful to your users, and the way you determine that is with keyword research. An AI tool can take all of that off your hands. With a few topical prompts, it can offer you a list of keywords to target along with suggested  topics to form content around them.

From there, the AI content creation tools can  quickly create scripts, and aid you in researching your topic by giving you a summary of it as a jumping-off point.

Optimise reach

Once you have your focus keywords and your topics, you can make sure that your content reaches  a wider audience with an AI tool.

SEO is a critical aspect of affiliate marketing, in order to make sure you have high SERP rankings and are targeting the right audience. The right AI tool will perform keyword analysis automatically, finding trends or gaps in online content and automatically adding link building.

Generate titles and headers

It can sometimes be hard to come up with topic headlines. Depending on the outlet, you either want something eye-catching, perhaps with a pun involved, or you want something that sums up the entire article as clearly and succinctly as possible. Try entering a few keywords into an AI tool and see what it comes up with.

Repurpose content

Repurposing content is an efficient way to ensure each piece of content that you produce is working hard, cross-platform. Different demographics need content tailored to them, but different platforms also need specific content in terms of tone of voice, pace of reading and language used.

An AI writing software will be able to easily break down a piece of video content or an article and post it in different places for different purposes. You can take one listicle and turn it into a graphic, complete with a caption, in seconds. A snippet of a longer video can be made for a TikTok.


Often, humans cannot agree on the grammar of their own language, never mind getting every seemingly inconsequential rule of their language correct each time. However, your audiences will judge you. It’s the mark of a good brand to get it right and so each piece of content should be checked by a proofreader.

AI proofreading tools will not only catch all the spelling and grammar mistakes you make, but will also ensure that your writing style adheres to your brand rules, and even fact-check your content in real-time.

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